Sunday, October 4, 2009

Family session in Brentwood, CA

Baby "J" is eight weeks old and just as cute as can be.  I met him, his proud parents and big sister yesterday at The Nines, a golf course and restaurant in Brentwood.   I was a beautiful morning, with lots of smiles from this happy family.

I love the baby's expression in this one - if only he could say what he's thinking, I bet it would be pretty funny.
Queen of Kindergarten!
Since naked babies and golf courses don't quite go together, we went to their house for some indoor shots to capture baby "J" in all his cute chubby glory.  I love how serene he looks here, with the light from the window reflecting in his eyes.  Oh and how I love chubby baby parts - he's got the cutest little arms!

I love the light in the one above of this moment between brother and sister.  May they always be this sweet!  Welcome, baby "J" and congratulations to your very lucky family!

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