Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Brothers in Blue | Kim Lind family photographer, Pleasanton, CA

The "N" family bid on my donated photography session at a local preschool auction, and won!  I won too, because not only was this session full of great shots, these two and their parents were lots of fun to be around.  The morning light at the park was just right and the colors of the outfits paired with the hay on the ground made for a great setting.  I love these outfits - very coordinated but not exactly matching...perfect!
This is one of my favorite and natural poses for one year olds, sandwiched between mom and dad.  He's turning one this week, happy birthday little guy!
Four years old, "B" was such a great subject to photograph.  I love the creamy background and how this draws me into his great smile.
So happy!
And finally, so sweet...

Thanks "N" family for a great session!

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